Saturday, 13 December 2008

2009 Tassie Traddies Calendar

A special Tasmanian traditional Catholic calendar is now available via Redbubble. It features images of Mount Saint Canice, Mass in the extraordinary form, and two Pugin churches.

Hobart Masses in 2009

Please note that there will only be eleven Masses in the extraordinary form next year, on the first Sunday of each month starting on February 1. There will be no January Mass.

Juventutem Music

A 2-CD set of music from the Juventutem liturgies in Sydney will be on sale very soon from the Central Catholic Bookshop in Melbourne. This includes selections from three Pontifical Masses and Solemn Vespers with Cardinal Pell. The retail price is expected to be only $20. This would make an excellent gift for both family and friends. Proceeds go to help support youth groups attached to the Extraordinary Form here in Australia.

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Westminster Cathedral Mass Photos

Here are some excellent photos of Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos's Mass in the Gregorian Rite at Westminster Cathedral.

Photo: Copyright Vernon Quaintance

Monday, 16 June 2008

Cardinal Castrillon Announces Restoration of Gregorian Rite in ALL parishes.

Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos has just announced that the Gregorian Rite will be restored to all parishes whether it has been requested or not. He has also clarified that the stable group referred into the motu proprio is three or more (and may be from different parishes). For more information, see Latin Mass to Return

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Genuflect As Often As You Like, Whenever You Like!

There has been some concern about the latest directives from the Tasmanian Liturgical Commission that one should bow the head only and not genuflect before receiving Communion. Cardinal Pell has been consulted on this matter and said that the changes do not say one should not genuflect and that one may genuflect as often as one wishes. Bishop Jarrett has also written an article elaborating on this. So, genuflect as often as you like, whenever you like... and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

June Mass Change of Date

The TLM in June will be on the SECOND Sunday, the 8th, not the first as Father Q. will be away. Apologies for any inconvenience!